
How are you? The innocuously but really uninterestedly British asked question!

By Stanley Collymore
Being asked generally by the
odd acquaintances or even
work colleagues how you
are, does not automatically imply on
their part, any genuine or significant
substantial, caring interest distinctly
relative literally to you own, actually
physical, mental or even effectively
your social welfare and is normally
usually just a pointless expression
on the essential enquirer’s normal
part, simply because they actually
simply feel they’ve literally a need
to evidently say something to you
but truly aren’t really interested in
you; and just as importantly have
nowt else, or more riveting to say.
One would normally think that a
question of that nature would
naturally, actually solicit on
the questioner’s part a genuine interest
essentially regarding the well-being of
the person who is literally, effectively
questioned; but, you’d be absolutely
wrong; as evidently, nothing of that
sort, was unquestionably normally
envisaged or contemplated in the
basis of such a question. So why
then was it ever engaged upon?
The simple answer; basic idle
conversation! For if really the
random person being asked
that question were to honestly set out to
concisely or even fulsomely outline how
they were essentially feeling, there and
then, it would rather undoubtedly be an
unequivocally, evidently obvious and a
patently also quite distinct certainty for
the individual that was crucially asked
the question, that the person who had
set that question initially, would rather
instantaneously very hurriedly find an
urgent excuse, to really automatically
bring their irrefutably discernibly fake
conversation to its rather abrupt end.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 April 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Rings and bells with the lot of you. Conversations engaged in purely for the sake of idle and similarly boring chat but should the person who is questioned set out to truly explain how they feel about anything, you suddenly bring the "dialogue" to an end because in essence you're not really interested in anyone other than yourself and those who can materially help you; or otherwise who're just as selfish, and egotistically as yourself. Food for thought!


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