
Harry and Meghan, justifiably and quite delightedly to see, truly annoying all the right people!

By Stanley Collymore
Yet more lightweights gleefully
and very vitriolically jumping
on the, we do actually hate
Meghan and Harry distinctively
bandwagon, while in evidently
asinine denial ludicrously and
clearly routinely burying their
such vibrant and endemically
thoroughly ingrained racism.
That innate fool the Tory MP
Bob Seeley very desperately
trying to so deflect criticism
away from his very criminal
and incompetent, evidently
inured racist, Conservative
Party basically didn’t know
Diana– like her son, Harry.
At best Bob Seeley like loads
of Harry’s critics only knew
Diana publicly; and what
they stupidly thought they knew
was essentially really selectively
provided to them by the British
MSM. So effectively they didn’t
know Diana one bit In marked
contrast to Harry Diana’s own
son, who essentially knew his
own mother very unnaturally
personally well as an adoring
son, exactly in the very same
loving manner as his equally
adored worthy wife Meghan.
And therefore Harry is not
only distinctly and rather
naturally very qualified
to speak about both of them
but likewise too distinctively
perfectly entitled to literally
make personal and equally
distinct, absolutely correct
comparisons between his
quite invaluably, precious
mother Diana and clearly
his distinctly, reciprocally
adoring spouse Meghan!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
9 December 2022.

Author's Remarks:
Harry is undoubtedly spot on! His mother was dreadfully used by his awful father Charles as a breeding mare, basically to merely produce an heir and spare. Poor Diana was egregiously used and then casually and cynically cast aside for his vile lover Camilla, rather self-evidently so from the very beginning and as well wasn't then acceptable to the senior members of Charles family as irrefutably Camilla distinctively wasn't a virgin and evidently also had liberal form with other men.

Then essentially, of course, there's William with his Stepford wife and broodmare waity Katie, who quite stoically hung around for 10 years basically doing absolutely nothing; never worked for a solitary day in her discernibly pathetic and social climbing life patently and fervently waiting for William to allegedly so, make up his mind. And which he only did when the women that he wanted, rather happy to curiously sleep with him principally because of who he is, but otherwise found him excruciatingly boring dumped him; quite desperately causing him to fall back on Kate Middleton that as Harry succinctly pointed out has evidently fitted the obvious mould with these specifically quite boring Windsor married men, where love, very noticeably doesn't come into the equation.

So all this protocol crap is crucially what it really is, just a load of shit! As there's undeniably no obvious natural chemistry specifically at all whatsoever basically effectively or demonstrably in any way between William and Kate and noticeably so on William’s part, and what there is artificially is solely contrived for clearly PR and public consumption purposes and a distinctly envious copying of Harry and Meghan; of whom they and their brainwashed serfs and distinctly jealous.

Since with Harry and Meghan, who are a naturally quite tactile couple, knowing, these sycophantic serfs that William and Kate cannot ever genuinely emulate them, the quite sick, vile and evilly egregiously way they respond is to toxically and as well vitriolically lambasts Meghan and Harry as always unnecessarily, unseemly groping each other. To which I unapologetically and quite contemptuously rebut: "Go eat your bloody hearts out"!

#Courage #Inspiration #MoralIntegrity

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