
Day Dreaming!

By Stanley Collymore
An individual state of affairs
when quite distinctly with
no obvious, obligatory
consideration on one’s own part as
to what basically others effectively
could or might very well be saying
or literally much more menacingly
be assiduously too, engaged with
literally essaying, to stop yourself
unquestionably, from distinctively
doing anything that you’re keenly
desirous of effectively embarking
on; knowing rather well, that with
no restrictions of any sorts really
placed on what you’re obviously
gleefully contemplating will ever
be countenanced, or welcomed
in your singularly, ideal world of
monopolism. Truthfully quite so.
Until ultimately, and undeniably
effectively that is the apparition
of Reality, actually materializes
again; obstructs in the process
of doing so, your own carefully
chronicled and manifestly also
fittingly egotistically perceived,
very presumptuously inspiring
outstanding plans, and simply
with realism again, essentially
recovering the upper hand as
before; effectively and clearly
decidedly too unscrupulously,
harshly throws your specious
and very unquestionably day
dreaming ideas out the door!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
12 April 2023.

Author's Remarks:
The art form most favoured by the intellectually challenged, unquestionable gullible and the egregiously brain dead to effectively divert their limited or non existent intellectual acumen from the realities of every day life.


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