Author's Comments:
I make no apologies of any kind for this poem as it had to be said and someone needed to say it; and if this particular cap or bonnet fits be my guest and pull the string.
More fittingly, though, I would advise you to take a long and very hard look at yourselves in the mirror and when you've done so, stop your asinine, attention-seeking antics and the vile trolling of others, who literally are multiple light years ahead in terms of transparent maturity as well as discernible intelligence than you'll ever be!
And most significantly, too, please stop off-loading what you characteristically are but find very difficult to come to terms with, on those that either through your jealousy or plain stupidity, you purposely and rather cowardly choose to scapegoat for your own and myriad inadequacies.
Does anyone readily come to mind?
#Fawning #Hatred #Racism