
Charles and Camilla– nowt special really; just a couple of privileged bed hoppers showing off!

By Stanley Collymore

Charles if he had any true guts
or genuine gumption, which
he evidently didn’t, would
have married Camilla from the very
beginning; when both of them were
ordinarily single as it was distinctly
clear that he didn’t, and hadn’t ever
loved Diana that was essentially an
innocent virgin and irrefutably too
an evidently naive teenager, doing
as she was basically evidently told.
But then, Charles’ parents: Liz and
Philip the basically longstandingly
throughout their very pretentious
own married life together; simply
the odiously vile hypocritical pair
that both of them were with their
ongoing adulturous relationships
patently attendant too, with their
own personal, bastard offsprings.

The coterie of Queer, Dyke and
paedophile officials, who still
proliferate the monarchical
institution; Charles’ manipulative old
cow of a maternal grandmother plus
Diana’s own grandma, and similarly
the then, Archbishop of Canterbury,
the spiritual, Head of the Church of
England that had no problem at all
whatever in accommondating and
also happily doing so on his watch
the quite well known to him, later
tried; rather criminally convicted
too; evil serial paedophile Bishop
Peter Ball who he did everything
in his power, to simply persuade
the cops to drop the case against
his friend and even wrote to the
court asking the judiciary not to
jail this odious, predatory beast.

The same Bishop Peter Ball that
was a particularly close friend
of Charles, as quite evidently
too was Jimmy Savile– incidentally
Charles even wanted Jimmy Savile
to be Harry’s Godfather but Diana
sensibly and adamantly wouldn’t
allow it; Charles also failed in his
rather crucially, concerted bid to
prevent his very personal friend
Bishop Peter Ball from naturally
being jailed. Athough the prison
term was enormously curtailed.

These then, are the so-called
stalwarts of British society
and the alleged epitome
of everything which is supposedly
commendable, and ethically pure
amongst humanity generally and
in Britain decisively that actually
objected– can you tuly believe it,
to the single Camilla, specifically
chosen as the wife of a similarly
single Charles! Because, Camilla
was adjuged, by these distinctly
odious hypocrites as “not pure”.
Outrightly she was not a virgin!
And a weak Charles went along
with it! Never mind in the least
that Charles himself and rather
aptly all those quite opposed to
such a marriage, were likewise
wallowing in their own lustful,
motley, lecherous, debauchery.

But you Camilla, officially no
way! Not until, that is, quite
insultingly virginity tested
and assuredly proven so, Diana had
produced her Palace requisite, Heir
and Spare! But when on her finally
waking up, to what so repugnantly
she’d unintentionally  become, not
a proper wife, but a used Stepford
wife and broodmare; but logically
rather naturally, rebelling against
this was most evilly, murderously
and rather fittingly for those who
were involved got out of the way!

Then you Camilla girl: that earlier
unsuitable trollop could become
Charlie’s wife and similarly be
designated, by his complicit mother
Liz Windsor, as Britain’s nationally
impressive and equally significant
resplendently chic Queen consort.
Although obviously really not for
long as we’ve very transparently
seen; with the Palace cronies PR
tasked with their unqestionably
quite right-wing media worked
very unflaggingly to make sure
that you imbecillic sycophants
gladly crowned, and delight in
this vile whore as your Queen.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 May 2023.

Author’s Remarks:
People in Britain being forced to use food banks to physically survive and an hereditary, unelected perceived as king by these distinctly identically same serf morons who’re currently in obviously dreadful pecuniary circumstances, hail and quite incredulously do applaud this same monarch, ostentatiously draping himself and similarly too his adulterous queen in absence wealth, significantly at these serfs expense. Welcome to the Middle Ages!

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