Author's Remarks:
The very first inhabitants of England and indeed Britain were the Homo heidelbergenis, who very much so in turn were evidently themselves the descendants of African Homo register and who moved to Britain during the early expansions of hominins out of Africa beginning roughly around 2 million years ago. And significantly for the true benefit of you basically delusional racists these people were irrefutably Black and African!
Meanwhile, the term Caucasian obviously as a racial category was actually initially introduced in the 1780s irrefutably then by members of the Goettigen School of History, and notably so by Christoph Meiners in 1785 and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in 1795, and was a term originally referred to in a narrow sense to the inhabitants of the Caucasus region.
Those now regarded as English were descended from three main west German tribes, principally the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes, who actually didn't settle in England, and who only did so in south of the country following the withdrawal of the Roman's and the partially Romanised Celtic Britons who already lived there.
Britain was part of the Roman Empire for clearly over three and a half centuries, effectively from AD 43. Roman rule however ended in the early 5th Century. The province of Britannia which in effect Britain was, being effectively a part of the political union that covered most of Europe. In the meantime and for absolute clarification of the facts, the term English undoubtedly did not originate until the late 13th Century when it was categorically applied without discrimination to all the Germanic invaders of England.
Significantly also, unequivocally subsequent to the original Black settlement actually of Britain there were African in Britain long before these belatedly named English came here and I do in effect distinctly suggest that you research this information fully and unbiased, as well as really acquaint yourselves with the Academic work as well as excellent writing of Tre Ventour Griffiths in his acclaimed work: Afro-Romans: There were Africans in Britain before the English - distinctly and effectively so the Angles, Saxons and also the Jutes tribes from Germany - arrived here.
So those of you whites and specifically the very ignorant, intellectually challenged ones evidently idiotically talking about you being ludicrously the indigenous population of Britain, my discernibly succinct and unequivocal advice to the odiously coterie of you is get real; as you're no such thing anymore than you are similarly very delusionally the absolute indigenous inhabitants of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA or Palestine the countries you barbarically acquired by evidently through genocidal means eradicating their very own indigenous populations through your quite accustomed and cherished art of genocide!
And to the far right and other clowns you state they won't be fighting for Britain if it were clearly attacked as Britain is no longer their country as it's given over to immigrants; that's rich coming from the likes of you, the detritus of numerous European pogroms, the European holocaust as well as immigration to Britain under all sorts of dubious guises. Anyway, your sort are basically lily livered cowards who categorically love to, in essence, flaunt your vainglorious and obviously clearly bogus patriotism, which effectively boils down to delusionally, and heroically, defending Britain to the last drop of someone else's blood but NEVER your own.
Consequently, no sensible and intelligent person would ever expect your sort to militarily defend Britain, nor any of the other racist and similarly keyboard warriors. For you're irrefutably scum, significantly also workshy benefit recipients and equally so lowlife scum, who for the most part don't have a basic clue, of who you really and effectively biologically are and quite evidently why programmes like Long Lost Families exist and are so popular, for your sort haven't a clue who you really are, any more so than your own mothers ever did when they shared it around rather liberally, and you in due course have in effect done the same with your own surfeit of bastards.
And all indications are from type casting really are that if serious war ever broke out between Britain and a major world power leading also to World War 3, that your odious and very cowardly sort will piss off helter leather as far away as you can get, to either the Antipodes, Canada, USA or even South America as Germany's Nazi did both during and after the end of World War 2! Leaving others to clear up your mess!
Finally, just stop and think, if you're really that capable of doing so, which is very questionable, if as you say you're diehard monarchists but the ones you favour don't do as you demand and in essence turn the UK into an all-white land which it never was, who are you then going to worship, fawn over and brownnose to? Lol! But then who ever, apart from your sort, ever said you were clever?