Author’s Remarks:
The stable product of a well-educated; culturally, socially and religiously integrated; intellectually, politically and gender emancipated; and a comprehensively extended, painstakingly closely-knit, a thoroughly proud and decisively personally empowered familial background and environment, and with a distinctly positive approach to all aspects of genuine heterosexuality that I’m unreservedly committed to as they pertain to both genders, have always featured, still unchangeably do, and will forever play a prominent role in my life.
And to that end I have never or do I ever envisage myself in the sickeningly pathetic situation of viewing either of the two genders that there rationally are as being superior or inferior to the other as there’s no logical basis to any such presumption; and accordingly always approach all matters relating to either with the same measured objectivity, instinctive courtesy and warranted respect that’s due to both of them. Consequently, to that extent justifiable compliments and genuine acts of altruism play a significant part of whom and what I am, as do understandable criticisms when these are truly merited and accordingly executed.
The response of the recipients in these cases to my work, either way, is a matter that’s entirely up to them and one which I don’t mind or will I ever allow in any way to affect my initial judgement and final decision and that caused that specific artistic work to be written in the first place; since I never embark on anything, let alone a creative exercise, without having given it a great deal of thought.
And even when I instinctively feel in advance or know for sure that what I’m endeavouring to do or portray are themselves very much akin, and certainly in terms of paying complements or engaging in acts of altruism in relation to some human subjects is absolutely a case of literally casting pearls before swine; or more colloquially and far more familiar to almost all of you like having that deep gut feeling that in optimistically opening a door in some building or other or even the local County Mall shopping centre to let some person or others to freely and unhindered pass through and while you yourself patiently await them doing so as an obvious act of goodwill or generosity on your part that none of those whom you’re about to let through and in point of fact do facilitate in that process although willingly taking full advantage of your sociability and kindness will happily sail past you but wouldn’t dream of thanking you for what you did for them, nevertheless being the kind of person whom you are you still act accordingly as your principled conscience and good-spiritedness bid you to.
And while I don’t write any work of mine, whether complimentarily or critical of others, in order to solicit praise or else advantageously harvest the opinions of others in relation to what I’ve done, several years of being in the business have none the less evidently taught me that were I to expend an inordinate amount of time and energy or else be so stupid as to pay compliments to or otherwise in the circumstances indulge in even basic acts of altruism towards significant numbers of Britons and afterwards expect any thanks for what I’ve conscionably done would be tantamount to trying to ridiculously get blood out of a stone.
Since frankly most Brits haven’t a clue what compliments or acts of altruism are let alone know how to respond to them when they’re given. And British women are among the worst culprits in this regard regardless of the, class, social or educational background they stem from.
Therefore, genuine compliments to or principled acts of altruism towards them would instantaneously be met with outright suspicion or downright hostility on their part coupled with the asinine assumption by them that the individual concerned – and in particular someone who is of the male gender and who moreover is unquestionably heterosexual (British women universally feel far more comfortable in presence of Queers) must clearly have an ulterior motive in mind, and it’s not rocket science to determine what their ludicrous or delusional assumptions are.
A state of affairs that’s strictly peculiar to Britain and more especially so England. Yet these are the very same women who’re irresponsibly increasing our national population at an alarming rate through their feckless acts of infidelity, stupidity, lack of moral fibre or ethical discernment that in turn and collectively on their part have unmistakably given rise to the UK being the bastard capital of Europe and arguably the developed world, and not only in terms of those lawfully designated as women but also in respect of underage minors. A most idiotic case on their part then of crying wolf at fraudulently manufactured and perceived bogus threats from unlikely and principled sources of heterosexual men by these British women, yet equally not having the common-o-garden sharpness, intelligence or the basic commonsense about them to detect real-life subterfuge, lies, deceit, sexual opportunism and genuinely exploitative tactics of the multitude of misogynists who they willingly, brainlessly and enthusiastically fuck and breed with!
Therefore outside of understandable compliments to or acts of altruism towards my British family members and close friends in the UK all such actions dispensed to other Britons are very rare and only rendered after very serious thought on my part, something that otherwise with me is naturally instinctive when applied to anyone else whoever they are or where in the world they come or else originate form other than Britain.
And in response to any lame-brain assumption or assertion that tendering even rare compliments or acts of altruism to any British woman is wrapped up in ulterior motives and designed to sexually seduce them, well I’ve news for you! I’ve never ever needed to apply such artifice before to seduce any woman far less so a British one or succeed in that regard and have never had cause for complaint on either of our two sides; but for the past 32 years and coinciding with my moving to Germany to live and work there I’ve not consciously felt the need, nor would I ever succumb to it if it did most unlikely ever emerge again as occurred in the distant past, to remotely be tempted to emotionally, romantically or sexually get involved in this life or any other with another British woman. An unchallengeable argument that would readily apply even if I wasn’t intensely involved with the most outstanding in every conceivable regard, and with whom I’m reciprocally deeply in love with, German female.
To any intelligent and rational mind giving up on that would be an absolute no-brainer. So please don’t second guess my reasons for them, but as an alternative treat my principled compliments and acts of altruism in the manner in which they’re honestly given.