
A UFO with strings attached? Could only happen in North America!

By Stanley Collymore
Such an incident would be absolutely
ironic and equally too, belly rolling
seen as hilarious if true! But quite
intelligently to sentient and erudite minds is a
state of affairs that’s crucially not true! Since
for a solitary lucid moment, actually logically
consider, this purported scenario. The sheer
irony of these quite alleged Aliens with their
unquestionably, to specifically say the least,
very undoubtedly far superior technology to
what Homo sapiens have actually distinctly,
evidently so far discernibly not managed to
perfect or literally acquire, having travelled
at crucially unimaginable, even to our most
erudite, technically scientific and obviously
also, scholarly human minds while making
their casually routine, light years journey to
Earth’s vicinity irrefutably so less laborious
and time consuming than the very average
commuter trip simply around Central Park,
USA; simply and truly laughable  allowing
their spacecraft, and similarly themselves
to be literally quite pathetically shot down
by what would irrefutably be perceived as
and undoubtedly similarly be regarded as
obviously discernibly Neanderthal human
beings is clearly pre-eminent in its hilarity.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 November 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The self-entitled who discernibly run this here planet we collectively and enforcedly do quite clearly happen to live in, literally transporting their own delusions of self-importance into a wholly different realm. As if Aliens discernibly don't know what they already are, and self-evidently won't touch any of them with the clearly proverbial barge pole. And knowing this, and to actually make themselves appear indispensable to all these global morons, these self-entitled and self-important, delusional earthlings, quite unquestionably make all this garbage up!

Almost as ludicrously a situation as a council estate yob, knocking out a Centurion tank with a catapult!

#Conditioning #Stupidity

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