

By Stanley Collymore
Is stupidity something that is markedly physiologically
and psychologically as well integrally ingrained in
the characteristic construct of a distinctly pre–
set mind-set and in close association with
a perniciously unalterable psyche that
is specifically tailored to meet the requirements
of its numerous and deplorable adherents? Or
is it essentially the insidious and terminal
conclusion of what is quite apparently
an intentionally premeditated and a
sedulously encouraged “culture”
principally held to be largely
founded on– just as there are likewise
those who will persuasively argue
approvingly of the expression
absolute– stark ignorance?
But that whatever the accuracy regarding
stupidity is, it is itself none the less
routinely used to purposefully
and malevolently, at every conceivably
afforded opportunity given, wilfully
occasion maximum disharmony
and offence to everyone bar,
of course, the instigators
of it and their bevy of
corresponding and
derisible peers!
© Stanley V. Collymore
1 February 2020.

Author’s Remarks:
So you have your Brexit now, that was clandestinely supported by your equally imperialistic and deluded monarch, the 93 year old nonagenarian Elizabeth who asininely kids herself that her position at the head of this rat nest pack of white privileged elites, malevolent and deeply entrenched classism and a mind-bogglingly array of obsequious nepotism is somehow hers by the divine right of some all-powerful god who commendably awarded her the job she has, as of worthwhile right.

When, in fact, it was purely accidental! For had not her Nazi uncle Edward, under pressure of course, because of his romantic association with a twice married American socialite slut Wallis Simpson: currently and laughably portrayed in the British fascist so-called mainstream media as the consummate epitome of sophistication and the rest of it, in marked contrast to supposedly completely “classless” and also distinctly lacking all “sophistication” Meghan Markle, and a fellow Nazi herself (and I’m referring to Wallis Simpson) – although both Edward and Wallis Simpson being Nazis wasn’t really the issue, as most of the UK’s so-called royal family were, and in 2020 still have live family members with close familial Nazi links (ask Philip or the racist so-called Princess Michael of Kent) - just two examples of what I’m authoritatively stating here.

As well as all of the British aristocracy and the MSM barons, like the owner of the Daily Mail being similarly Nazis themselves. So this hypocritical hogwash doesn’t cut any ice with me as I know my facts and don’t or would I ever rely on weaponized and propagandized, historical revisionist fiction. And besides, many of my close relatives did courageously and altruistically fight the Nazis during Europe’s second internecine war, vaingloriously referred to by those who are always prepared to patriotically fight for Britain to the last drop of somebody else’s blood but never their own, as World War II, when in point of fact it had bugger all to do with these contemptuously labelled “colonials”.

So had Edward not abdicated, had got himself a supposedly “suitable” wife or even post-war had married Wallis Simpson and had kids by her, you wouldn’t have become monarch; as your dad George, who did succeed his brother Edward after the latter’s abdication, would not have been king and as his elder daughter you would not have succeeded him when he died in 1952.

So please, drop all this delusional and narcissistic crap of yours about being in the position you’re in through a laughable divine right of god bullshit! And frankly, with the lot of you all patronizingly castigating Meghan Markle for everything she does, anyone with a functioning brain in their head knows why. And don’t spin the shit of me using the race card, because I fucking well am THE RACE CARD – the one that your lot systematically use and in your consistent denial of it and continue to delude yourselves that it’s not there. To which my candid and unapologetic response is: “Go fuck yourselves!”

And to be blunt Elizabeth you’ve been a lousy mother. Even Charles long ago admitted that. What’s more, with all your emblazoned status and the rest of it you nevertheless head one of the most dysfunctional families on planet earth, as you concentrate more on your mafia firm so-called royal family pursuits than you do, have ever done, and are obviously incapable of attending to even the most basic human needs of your so-called royal family. Millions of people across the length and breadth of Britain, and indeed the rest of the world consist of mothers who hold down very exacting jobs and still manage to raise exemplary families of their own, sometimes as single mothers. Yet you couldn’t hack it Elizabeth!

A plethora of sycophantic and nepotistic courtiers to do your work for you, and similarly obsequious servants to wipe your ass even when you go to the loo, what was it that prevented you Elizabeth from being an empathetic and supportive mother, as well as a decent one, with all the privilege and back up that you were constantly surrounded by after becoming monarch? Having been in education most of my life it’s self-evident to me that you’re not intellectually bright Elizabeth. So what? Substantial numbers of your subjects are likewise in this regard. And you’re simply the female equivalent of the Hans Christian Anderson’s figure in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Manifestly narcissistic and self-aggrandizing, while assiduously but utterly stupidly pretending to be otherwise.

None of your subjects are going to tell you this Elizabeth, but I’m NOT your subject but a CITIZEN of Britain, and that is the crucial difference for me! For I most fervently believe in a meritocratic society and a corresponding world; while you, your class-fixated sort and your toadying serfs believe in an outmoded world that for most intelligent people has long ceased to exist. And were you Elizabeth without your security guards or secret service detail and all the sickening panoply of your so-called royal family and the rest of Britain’s stolen and genocidally expropriated wealth, to go into an ordinary shopping mall, dressed like any normal person you frankly wouldn’t stand out as anyone of significance and never would have done. Go try it out for once, even at 93!

So sitting on your privileged white ass ludicrously handing out meaningless “titles” that have no significance for me in the 21st Century and never did, is crap behaviour. I’ve nothing against a country awarding its citizens for outstanding achievements and the like. That’s only right and proper. But what use is there in fucking well having a dukedom or whatever other useless gong these days; or appointing a purportedly married bed-hopping William as the equivalent of the Head of the Scottish Church? Or like having you as Head of the Church of England because a compulsively adulterous, murderous son of a bitch Henry VIII who literally couldn’t keep his plonker in his pants, got rid of his wives at will when another fancied piece of crumpet came along and when he couldn’t have his way with the Pope, in a pique decided to set up the Church of England and narcissistically declare himself its leader so he could marry another of his tarts?

Nothing seemingly has changed in the 21st Century! So what’s the significance of all that in 2020 when most people in Britain from one Sunday to the next wouldn’t be seen dead in a church and frankly never go there? It’s an anachronism of a debauched past Elizabeth! Just as you making absolutely sure you had the right photo shoots of you taking a scandalous Andrew to church with you when you were at Sandringham! How often does Andrew go to church normally? But intelligent people, and there are still some in Britain, knew precisely what it was that you were doing!

No such showing of public support by you for Meghan Markle though! And no astute person expected any; and I firmly include myself in that company. But I’ll go further and say this. Your puerile threatening to take away Harry and Meghan’s useless, in my mind, titles which have no realistic impact on either pf them as commendable human beings and having the likes of a verminous, stalking lowlife like Piers Morgan and the other plebeian slime balls cheering you on and shouting for you to do so while being characteristically silent in that regard when it comes to your love child Andrew – innocent until proven guilty with him, I hear you and them all say! Yet Meghan, in marked contrast and in your individual and collective sick minds, has been guilty from the onset of her relationship with Harry, specifically for being Black and daring to become lovingly involved with Harry and him reciprocally with her. And therefore must on an ongoing basis prove her “innocence”. Which in her inimitable style she has chosen not to do. And even that you can’t accept and see it as an insult to your dignity! What dignity, Elizabeth?

William and Kate have several times spent Christmas with Kate’s parents and maternal family members at Bucklebury in Berkshire, which when I last looked it up – but I didn’t need to as Reading my home town is also in Berkshire – is very much in England. No national outcry from the usual and vitriolic sources that like attacking Meghan, I studiously remember, levelled at Kate and William for not being at Sandringham, while lame excuses like Kate had morning sickness during her pregnancies – poor thing! The only one in Britain supposedly to suffer this common ailment with pregnant women. Whatever! The fact is that Carole and Mike Middleton are British and live in the UK not terribly far from Kate and William’s own home in Kensington London and can physically see their grandchildren whenever they want to.

In marked contrast Doria Ragland, Meghan’s mum is an American and resides in her home state of California on the west coast of the USA and over 4,000 miles away from the UK. Archie is her first grandchild, and Doria Ragland through sheer distance alone can’t have the same physical reaction with her grandchild as the Middletons can and routinely do with their grandchildren. And besides, as Kate demonstrated, any new mum wants her own mum around at this time. And it’s absolutely great! But the very pillocks: Sara Vine, Melanie McDonagh, Rachel Keymal, aka Johnson and Piers Morgan among them, who like the other lowlife scum across Britain have an unwarranted but racist axe to grind with Meghan Markle, would certainly have subjectively lambasted Doria Ragland as another “immigrant” scrounger on the UK taxpayers had she moved to Britain to be near her grandson Archie and, of course, her own daughter Meghan and son-in-law Harry.

So predictably what we all see and hear regarding Meghan is quite hypocritical in the most blatant double standards mode, in hostilely attacking Harry and Meghan for eschewing the Sandringham location at Christmas of the British Mafia-firm, so-called royal family gathering, with particular and significantly ludicrously expressed pernicious attacks especially levelled at Meghan Markle - for doing precisely what Kate Middleton and William did more than once - for her alleged “insult” to this mafia-family’s, female don leader, the 93 year old nonagenarian, Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor! Yet these pathologically sick and racist white faultfinders of Meghan Markle asininely and pathetically class themselves as intellectually sound and white superiority Master Race members. Yeah! So was Jimmy Savile!

It’s perfectly alright it seems for Kate and William to bunk off to the similarly UK and virtually nearby resident Middletons for Christmas and not in the sick minds of their racist admirers cause a stir, let alone be perceived as bestowing an insult to this Christmas time Sandringham based nonagenarian, British female, mafia don. However, travelling with your loving husband and new-born son Archie across the Atlantic that separates Britain from the USA to spend some much needed quality time, and not the “riotous occasion” as the Sun rag approvingly acclaims in the case of Kate, William and the Middletons, with Doria Ragland: a divorced lady living on her own and the mother of Meghan Markle, mother-in-law of Harry and grandmother of her first and only grandchild Archie, is somehow a vicious and perniciously conceived insult by Meghan and Harry to Elizabeth, the rest of her kind and the entire host of likeminded plebeian and racist lowlife scum that substantially infest the United Kingdom from top to bottom!

So ask yourself truthfully: What is the difference in perspective of Kate, William and their “tribe” going to spend Christmas in the UK with the Middletons and NOT at Sandringham; and Harry and Meghan absolutely, lovingly with their new-born baby Archie, crossing the Atlantic to have Doria Ragland be with and correspondingly also spend some quality time with her most grandson, away from the vicious and unwarrantedly condemnatory remarks and criticisms of the UK’s so-called MSM rags; and the plethora of unwashed and verminous plebeian scum that comprise Britain’s noxious cesspit!

So here’s my blunt and unapologetic take on things as they stand nonagenarian Elizabeth. Take your utterly useless, class-driven and outmoded titles, and particularly the Duke and Duchess of Sussex ones and fittingly shove them as far as you possibly can up your privileged white, inured class-ridden, imperialist and contemptibly so in the 21st Century fictional divine right to rule, delusional white superiority ass!

Outrageously blaming Meghan Markle for allegedly creating problems in and bringing shame to your entrenched dysfunctional family Elizabeth is completely reprehensible and a shameless lie; and has as much veracity to it as if a sanitary engineer were to blame a young mother whose toddler caught short and desperately needing a pee, having allowed her child to innocently as well as discretely have that pee in a nearby river that fed a sewerage plant, that idiotic engineer rather relentlessly pounced on this unfortunate mother and maliciously accused her of not only massively contaminating the river that her toddler son had peed in but also the nearby sewerage works that the water from this river passes through!


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