By Stanley Collymore If in actuality, Teresa Hanson ca… very approvingly to the Karens and similarly the likeminded Gammons across Britain intentiona…
By Stanley Collymore Always and earnestly endeavour to… genuinely as well as independently… that you are– and as is habitually… unfettered, invariably turns out t…
By Stanley Collymore Does anyone else apart from me think it odd that people who think nothing, at all, in throwing Nazi salutes
By Stanley Collymore The standard British sense of jus… and fair play, even when evidently it’s totally misplaced and really unquestionably unwarranted, is ris…
By Stanley Collymore Put a sock in it will you! For I… think with you incessantly blabbin… inane and loud monologue, seemingl… but no one else in earshot, being…
By Stanley Collymore Harry distinctively shows absolute… no signs, or will he ever do so, o… ruing the day that he met, and subsequently having fallen in love…
By Stanley Collymore By all accounts it does appear in… judgement of me that you definitel… much an incurable bounder and, to… lousy person too who but for the f…
By Stanley Collymore Harry clearly hasn’t been any more destructive, if a word can as you ignorant, gullible and basically societally fawning morons now in a…
By Stanley Collymore Thank goodness the plebs were evidently kept off the beach so that effectively the Windsors’ vista wasn’t really spoilt! Seriou…
By Stanley Collymore Philip Hammond is a brain-dead as… retard, and if this sociopathic po… properly recognized as the animal… is he would simply on account of h…
By Stanley Collymore You’re just another unfortunate ca… a world possessed of a distorted n… of what its priorities are and as… good, decent and caring person
By Stanley Collymore How interesting! To use your consistently and very well– rehearsed unproductive days, normally blithely lounging o…
By Stanley Collymore With the consummate charm, panache and unassuming genius of the Irish you’ve carved out an empire all your own– but one,
By Stanley Collymore Britain: a country self-evidently and markedly devoid of real talent and ability but also filled to the brim, with quite ent…
By Stanley Collymore Nicholas Hopkins simply has the attitude, demeanour, character and obvious lack of genuine intelligence self-evidently of som…