Author’s Remarks:
It has always been a source of disdainful amusement to me to observe people who’re evidently incapable through any mechanism, fair or foul that one can surmise about, of altering the situation they get so hot under the collar about but which in actuality isn’t to any sensible or intelligent person a problem at all, since it is and has always been abundantly clear that the “problem” which is generating such angst in the minds of those who’re obviously and even openly fanatically obsessed with it, that when looked at impartially isn’t a problem at all other than in the sick minds of those who’re preoccupied with it.
Race and one’s skin colour are two such human and natural variants that promptly come to my mind. And why anybody other than a brain-dead imbecile or a purblind moron would really want to, let alone compulsively utilize their time, personal effort, energy and even their own economic resources with what’s essentially the asinine preoccupation of something which they had absolutely nothing to do with, even in respect of themselves far less so other people, and significantly can’t change however much they might fantasize about such an absurdity is frankly beyond me. Yet bizarrely there is no shortage of such people who thoughtlessly and in defiance of all sanity carry on regardless with their ingrained and pernicious acts of risible lunacy.