
24 houses aren’t that many actually for someone, who literally owns Cornwall; is it William?

By Stanley Collymore
William Windsor leading from the
front in the quite critical battle
against the scourge of very
rampant homelessness within Britain.
Really? What an absolutely, distinctly
ludicrous joke! All it actually means
is, that William can get, and simply
will be readily given permission to
build, where others rather literally
essentially actually won’t be able
to! A crucial state of affairs, that
will quite additionally too add to
his already, essentially massive
property portfolio, and likewise
his obvious, enormous income
now, generally complemented,
and augmented, by new rents!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I didn't realise it was the 1 April already! Lol! William's ostensibly very concerted bid to literally unquestionably, distinctly and effectively, undeniably significantly successfully tackle actually entrenched homelessness in Britain!

Clearly more pragmatically, why doesn't he simply employ in this really vaunted venture of his the several billions, that his grandmother Liz hoarded for years during the seven plus decades she was the unelected monarch of our country; and which, on her demise, she passed on without any inheritance tax - simply discernibly different from everyone else in the UK - fittingly ever actually paid by her recipients, and of whom you're truly one of them William, on these actually evidently significant numerous billions of Pounds. Money obviously acquired from the UK taxpayer and similarly too hereditarily stolen over the centuries!

So why not William, use your influence to pragmatically and rather essentially find these homeless people proper and productive work so they can simply pay for a really practical and clearly decent roof over their own head, and obviously support themselves like the rest of us!

But that's all talk for in discernibly class entrenched Britain none of you pathetic so-called elites naturally obviously want them living anywhere near you!


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