Colin Goedecke

What If You Forget the Turkey

at Thanksgiving Time

However tender,
and moist.
The golden skin,
supremely crisp.
The stuffing,
and the gravy,
however savory.
Forget the mashed
potatoes, the
pumpkin pie.
And all the wine.
What if you
simply remember
why you gather
around a table
of kindred others,
to begin with.
This Day.
Or any day.
what fineness,
of heart
you can bring
to each table,
each other,
before youeven
arrive to sit there.
What good stories,
and nourishing
poetries you can
spread out on,
sing out to,
the table.
How greatly
it matters,
every day
you’re here;
every time
you take time,
make room,
to feast ~
on your life;
to toast
your one
and only-ness,
and the lives
and specialness
of the others
dear and near,
or far.
Who make it
all the more
while you’re
here, on Earth.
Then ~ on to,
on with, savoring
the rest and
grateful tastes
of it all.
Colin Goedecke
at Thanksgiving
Morristown, New Jersey
November 2019
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