for seeing
It’s an early Spring morning of bellsong and birdsong, sunsong
Land dwellers. Sea rovers. Tillers. Spelunkers. Before you ask the questions many ask; have asked since man
Maybe, like Marcel, Monsieur Proust, in Paris, it begins with a bite of a madeleine.
Your rare, cured leaves of being. Beautifully steeping in these years of living. Bringing to your senses rich
Sunny jaunts, now-and-again treats, with cousins, siblings; and parents along but somehow invisible.
The Maine woods. The coastal woods. Where coming into Spring he resides, is at home. Where he keeps a fire burning
The courtly old lady, widowed for decades, and her calico cat, who take each afternoon sun
How deeply are you living, friend? How sense-deep. How heart, and
Motoring solo through the immense, silent, parted heart of the forest of Chinon. The birdsong air
A sure sign of soon-coming Summer. Another sweet, salt-aired Summer.
I’m glad for mine. The long, aquiline form of it. The way it has shaped, informed my face;
To ask your Self. In the still of the night, whether bright-starred or half-mooned. In the midst of the day,
Fog pours in through the half-open windows. Fills our small bedroom by the bay. Pools
Each time you breathe in the Earth’s air, the life-giving air, you breathe out a cocktail of
When the Moon moves between our Sun, Earth and up-raised eyes, through the long-held breath of our wisdom-keepers,