Colin Goedecke

Twenty Questions

for Axelle

To ask your Self.
In the still of the night,
whether bright-starred
or half-mooned.
In the midst of the day,
as you go about
your living and learning.
When rising, freshly,
to the morning,
to the unfolding
of more curiosity,
possibility, surprise.
The number of them
doesn’t matter,
nor time, nor place.
Only how heartful, how
truthful your asking;
how meaningful
the answering.
Questions that here
and there want to be
posed; mused on.
Even if there are no
clear or ready answers
to be found, or heard.
Questions only you,
with all innocence
can ask;
must ask,
without pause,
of your deep-knowing Self.
Colin Goedecke
Sag Harbor, New York
February 2018
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