Colin Goedecke

Lunar Lit~Scape

on a full moon

At precisely 9.25.
When the moon,
the first and most
abundant one
of the new year,
was perfectly full.
Thousands of readers,
many with mittens,
opened their novels
and poetry collections,
their unfinished mysteries,
promising short stories.
And began to read.
By the kliegishly bright
lunar light. Some silently,
nocturnally, in the outdoor
reading rooms they shared
with the stars and the owls.
Somesotto voce-ly.
Others to listening friends,
even declaimingly up
to the Moon itself
which was, that night,
all wide eyed,
open eared.
Colin Goedecke
under the first full moon of the year
Morristown, New Jersey
January 1st, 2018
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