Cody Swank


Friends check up on you from time to time just to see where your heads at.
Friends don’t care how late it is.
They make time to chit chat
Friends make sure to include you in plans.
Friends uplift you. Make you feel like the man.
Friends offer guidance when you stray off path.
Friends hurt when you hurt. They don’t laugh.
Friends don’t mingle with your enemies cause if you love who hates me how could you be a friend to me?
Friends are there during honey moons and heart breaks.
Friends help rebuild you after you’ve learned the hard way.
Friends progress.
They grow as you grow.
Friends teach.
They increase what you know
Friends support your dreams.
They could care less Whether you succeed or fail.
Friends are your sanctuary,
Your stress reliever when your going through hell.
Friends attend your party no matter how many people come.
Friends enjoy you. Just your presence adds to their fun.
Friends talk about a future that includes you.
Friends avoid people who seek to remove you.
Friends 5 year plan includes you.
Friends say I love you and you know it’s true.
Are you my friend ?

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