Cody Swank

Star played

You look into my eyes with passion and I realize I’m now your star player and that scares me.
This is more than sport. A game is not my hands. Your heart is. Your the coach of your love life and so many men have tried out to play. Most of them never even make the team. A few have and didn’t posses the proper traits to be successful. They were role players.
Eric was attractive but boring.
Matt was funny but had no ambition.
Adrian was successful but not romantic.
And then there’s me. I wasn’t the best looking guy but I was your cup of tea. I’m no comedian but you always seem to laugh. I stay on top of my grades but still have a lil time to go on dates with you.
You saw my balance. You find comfort in my presence. I see you using my lingo, playing my music and even adopting some of my ideas. You’ve started practicing with me. You love my game style and I love playing for you... but this is more than a game.
You want me to slow it down but I love running fast breaks. You want smart calculated set plays but I love shooting 3s and spontaneity. You want consistent FaceTime calls and sleep overs and I actually enjoy it. But I want to do whatever I want whenever I want and you can’t do that with someone wondering about your whereabouts. You see my flaws.
You argue with me but you still hug me.
You mad about my late replies but you still ask about me.
You see that I want space but you still want to be in my space.
Truth be told, I want you there too.
I’m just scared.
I’m scared to be your star player. I’m scared for you to depend on me and I don’t perform. I’m scared to be the next player that’s cut from your team. Because although i thought we were still practicing, I realize it’s game time and your feelings are at risk. I realize your not testing me out anymore. I realize my competition has been escorted out the gym. I realize you have bet it all on me and now I’m scared. I just care so much about you and I want you to win....

but even Michael Jordan lost sometimes.


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