#Blacks #Jamaicans
‘Mid the discordant noises of the… I stumble as I fare along Earth’s… Mine eyes are open but they cannot… I can no more than lift my heart t… The wild and fiery passion of my y…
Your body was a sacred cell always… A jewel that grew dull in garish l… An opal which beneath my wondering… Gleamed rarely, softly throbbing i… I touched your flesh with reverent…
Alfonso is a handsome bronze-hued… Of subtly-changing and surprising… His moods are storms that frighten… His eyes were made to capture wome… Down in the glory-hole Alfonso si…
I will not reason, wrestle here wi… Though you pursue and worry me abo… As well put forth my swarthy arm t… The wild wind howling, darkly mad… The night is yours for revels; day…
The perfume of your body dulls my… I want nor wine nor weed; your bre… Suffices. In this moment rare and… I worship at your breast. The flo… The saffron petals tempt my amorou…
I would be wandering in distant fi… Where man, and bird, and beast, li… And the old earth is kind, and eve… Her goodly gifts to all her childr… Where life is fairer, lighter, les…
To clasp you now and feel your hea… Scented and warm against my beatin… To whisper soft and quivering your… And drink the passion burning in y… To lie at full length, taut, with…
Throughout the afternoon I watche… Snow-fairies falling, falling from… Whirling fantastic in the misty ai… Contending fierce for space suprem… And they flew down a mightier forc…
UPON thy purple mat thy body bar… Is fine and limber like a tender t… The motion of thy supple form is r… Like a lithe panther lolling langu… Toying and turning slowly in her l…
Although she feeds me bread of bit… And sinks into my throat her tiger… Stealing my breath of life, I wil… I love this cultured hell that tes… Her vigor flows like tides into my…
Your door is shut against my tight… And I am sharp as steel with disc… But I possess the courage and the… To bear my anger proudly and unben… The pavement slabs burn loose bene…
Applauding youths laughed with you… And watched her perfect, half-clot… Her voice was like the sound of bl… Blown by black players upon a picn… She sang and danced on gracefully…
Sweet life! how lovely to be here And feel the soft sea-laden breeze Strike my flushed face, the spruce… Free limbs to see, the lesser tree… Bare hands to touch, the sparrow’s…
Oh when I think of my long-suffer… For weary centuries despised, oppr… Enslaved and lynched, denied a hum… In the great life line of the Chr… And in the Black Land disinherite…
The sun sought thy dim bed and bro… The sciences were sucklings at thy… When all the world was young in pr… Thy slaves toiled at thy monumenta… Thou ancient treasure-land, thou m…