A Haiku poem
This is reality. This is a season where my husband is going through some serious physical problems. I’m praying for him, He’s believing for a Miracle so I’ll believe with him no matter what it looks like in the natural. Amen.
A tender romance, a kiss in the mo… my heart set ablaze with love. I was young when we met many years… but as years went by, time didn’t… love we felt for one another. Stil…
The subjective one says ok, I’ll go along with you today. The Objective one says oh no, I don’t think I want to go. Sometimes objectiveness is not goo…
Brokeness and healing, the two go… like the changing of seasons, when there’s all kinds of weather. but just as the clouds bring the r… God has promised to heal us again
Many have taken a journey, a journey beyond the stars. To a place that mankind cannot see… for its very, very far. They have gone to the Creator,
The lilies of the field they know, who causes them to live and grow. The Father gives them what they n… He gives them life from just a see… And if God cares so much for thes…
What is man without God? He just wouldn’t even be. Without the one who spoke, and created you and me. Such a wonderful awesome
Young people should not own a gun, til at least, the age of 21 Oh God! help us to see this fact, Before we suffer another attack. How many now are in despair?
I walk in freedom, and I can see, how blessed I am to be so free, the sun is shining down on me, as I go on my way. Taking a walk I’m very pleased,
They crucified our Lord, And laid Him in a Tomb, but He won the Victory, Over all His mortal wombs. Only one can claim such Vict’ry,
Feelings so strong, but yet so wrong. Thinking I know, but yet not so. Thinking I’m right,
He rode into Jerusalem, to finally get His due. Riding upon a donkey, like any other a Jew. Such a humble servant,
The rainbow after the rain, brings healing after the pain, The sun will shine. Those feelings of despair, will not always be there,
October comes, and the leaves turn… In the fall of the year they fall… Waking up sometimes to a cloudy sk… Autumn leaves are falling from tre… So much beauty to see at this time…
Just the sound of silence, My mind is at rest. No worries, no cares, no dismay no time for all the stress. I love the sound of quietness,
If God has forgiven you, don’t worry about anyone else, just look up and be glad, and then forgive yourself. People can be so mean,