I sit in this car
And I think about where you have been.
You say to me
“ My beloved, I never left”.
“ Just be held”.
“I know who goes before me,
And I know who goes behind”.
My eyes were shut while you waited for me,
Waited for me to understand
Waited for me to hear
Waited for me to see how you called me
To live a life of purity.
You know purity when you see it
It’s in the eyes of a newborn baby
The first touch of a loving mother
The old man carrying his groceries for his wife across the street
The sister who sits in front of you at mass
Praying that your mother’s cancer will allow her a second chance.
It’s the priest that never gets tired of hearing from you
It’s the person you can always call your home.
Purity is not distraction
Purity is not white lies
Purity is not found within a man
Purity can only be found in the desire, to understand one’s soul.
When purity calls for you,
answer her.