Cat Watson


Sometimes we need to think about how our actions affect others - spiders or not

I see you wriggling at the corner of my eye
Waiting for that delicious fly
To drive itself into your home
And eat him up when you’re alone
I see you scurry across the floor
You can’t stand the hunger inside you no
A tiny hunter who is out to succeed
And bring yourself home a delicious feed
But there’s a challenge that you must face
The dangers that’s scatter across the place
The human eye just won’t agree
That you belong to earth like me
The human eye won’t rest until
You die upon the window sill
Or on the bottom of our shoe
Or even worst, flushed down the loo
The human heart just won’t give love
To a creature made by the hands above
You can’t help having multiple eyes
A hairy belly and multiple thighs
If only we could understand
What it felt like to fear the look of man
To spend each hour, planning your day
Incase your life was taken away
If only the human heart could agree
That you belong to this earth like me
and just like us, you should be left alone
To live your life, safely in our homes
Autres oeuvres par Cat Watson...
