
Self Inflicted Descent

Fragile moments
of an unstable mind...
My head is a hole, at times
quite envied by the rankings of Hell.

Painfully ignorant, blind and indifferent; unwittingly, did I, trip beyond assumptions that abducted my balance and slipped upon an orphaned expectation of valiance. Unable to retract, I completely missed the ground and was swept into the sound of an ever lengthening lunacy.

This dank, hellish pit reeks of familiar suffocation while I sit upon a bony throne of my own selfish torture. Blanketed in blackness, appearing to be weightless while somehow refusing to move; revealing the unknown nature of stillness. Noticing, slowly, how abruptly I’d become the tainted mistress of dark intentions. Admired and envied by the pitiful creatures groveling at my heels to eagerly greet the fathoms of flesh eating grubs as agonizing groans echo through silent, materialized emptiness.

Lacking the passion to fight endless rations of rushing terror, gripped by a vice manipulation that leads to eventual stagnantion. My mind seems shattered by notions that scatter and bleed into oceans of foul, broken mouths filled with thin, vicious teeth that waste little time to delete and repeat this vulgar revolution of malevolent hunger.

Seething demons that once bowed at my feet now feast upon the meat of my fragile, wasted calves and inch toward my hips with sick-fanged smiles and excruciating speed. Marked by fright with a tattooed frown, I slowly look down to witness my stomach erupt into a bubbling sludge that fills my lungs with the sour, spoiled cream of long abandoned dreams.

I desperately reach for one last breath before this fantasized nightmare delivers real death... Effectively erasing itself to one day, again start afresh.


I'm convinced there's a hole in my head that swallows my very soul for months on end. I thought I might take you there and show ya the place. It's starting to feel too much like home these days...

#Bi-polarDark #Depression #FreePoetrySelf-pity #Verse

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