Now, when a bloke 'e cracks a blok… An’ wrecks a joint to square a lad… They used to call it chivalry, but… An’ the end of it is cops an’ quod… Fer insults to fair Gwendoline th…
Here’s to every Aussie fellow, Who refused to show the yellow When depression’s clammy hand Cast its shadow o’er the land. Here’s to them who never altered
Oh, for that kindly copper I knew long years ago, A stalwart man and proper, Crime’s unrelenting foe. He was for me a shield, a friend
By inlet and islet and wide river… By lake and lagoon I’m at home, Yet oft’ the far forests of blue-g… About the broad ranges I roam, ‘There’s a strange, sombre bird wi…
It’s up an’ down, as me father sai… An’ his as went before him Good days could never turn his hea… Nor the worst of seasons floor him… (Said old george Jones). I’ve he…
We have heard the cheering, brothe… We have heard the martial peal; We have seen the soldiers marching And the glint of sun and steel. We have heard the songs, the shout…
When you have gone and I have gon… Beyond the ken of earthly things, Yet watch the old race carry on As to precarious life it clings, Gazing together from afar,
She danced thro’ life as light as… The grace of Columbine, charm of… These, and that blithesome quality… With memory of her linger by us ye… A fairy, slipping thro’ a world ma…
By White Horse Tavern, White Ho… In olden days wound down; And many a waggon bore its load And many a bullock felt the goad From town to country town.
Oh, how I hate these chills, thes… Bleak blasts and breezes; Abominate the ‘flu,’ the fierce ’… All inappropriate sneezes; How I detest th’ uneasy, wheezy c…
I’ve never met a man who hated dog… One meets with all sorts as throug… The mean ones, and the vain ones,… The foolish fellows who splash up… The brisk ‘live wires,’ the dull,…
Little Miss Muffet Sat at a buffet Willing the time away. When there came a big cider And sat down beside her . . .
I saw him stand, a Polar man, Cold anger in his frigid eye, Facing it wild, unruly clan Who poised their fiery shafts on h… Strangely, his very coldness fed
I’d like to be a baker, and come w… Calling out, ‘Beeay-ko!’ (that’s… Riding in a rattle-cart that jogs… Selling all the sweetest things a… Currant-buns and brandy-snaps, pas…
Crow I detest the Carrion Crow! (He’s a raven, don’t you know?) He’s a greedy glutton, also, and a… And his sanctimonious caw