A mysterious cove in the Customs The boss, so to speak, of the Ban I have blamed a good deal; But I wronged him, I feel, Since I’ve come to imagine the ma…
This we have said: ‘We shall reme… And deep our sorrow while the deed… Even as David mourned for Absolem Mourned we, with aching heart and… Yet, what man grieves for long? T…
Some saw in him a Scottish wreck;… A few proclaimed his genius, but a… That Doctor Andy Deveraux had le… ‘A mighty clever cove,’ they said,… For down at Paddy Clancy’s bar yo…
‘Some I got with amber stems an’… Bent ones an’ straight ones an’ al… A lot of pipes, sez you, for one o… But, folks, as soon as Christmas… ‘We’ll give old Pete a pipe,' the…
Jist ‘ere it gripped me, on a sudd… I wus diggin’ in the garden, talki… When it got me good an’ solid, an’… An’ curses soft down in me neck, a… Then, when I tries to straighten…
Back to the kicthen, mein Gretche… Back to the scullery, frau! You have dreamed your brief hour o… But it’s dishes and drudgery now. Your head bent in humble submissio…
‘A woman’s work is never done,’ Said she. ‘From dawn to setting of the sun,’ Said she. ‘I toil and moil and work and slav…
There’s joy in legislative halls When Frank’s in opposition; But gloom upon the Chamber falls When Frank holds high position. His merry japes no longer flit
Kilmore cares not who comes nigh. But, with a calm, incurious eye, She sees the swift cars speeding b… Then turns again to labor. She is content to plod along.
Reynard, the fox, was asked to a p… “Come”, they said, in your Sunday… For we like good form, tho’ the fu… So all who dance must be formally… Black tail-coat and a shirt-front…
I don’t know what’s come to the su… In these dull and decadent years; But a fellow grows glummer and glu… As promise of autumn appears; For there’s not been a sign of a w…
Gold days give way to sudden rain, But what, I ask, of that? For I am my own man again, And gloom comes sprawling flat. Let grouchers grieve and nurse the…
Jack Sprat would eat no fat, His wife would eat no lean, And so, betwixt them both, you see… They licked the platter clean. Old nursery rhyme
Aw, chuck the mail bags over there… It’s great to have 'em brought by… But, now they’re here, just sling… Out anywhere, upon the ground. I’ll pick 'em up an’ make full spe…
I’ve never met a man who hated dog… One meets with all sorts as throug… The mean ones, and the vain ones,… The foolish fellows who splash up… The brisk ‘live wires,’ the dull,…