It was once said that were the meaning of life to b… laughter would ring from the rooft… And in worlds next to ours from subatomic to supernova
I release you There is no need for pain or guilt There is only the Tao, rightful f… We are still share the same waters… And I am glad
There is a great poison in this la… All will taste it, most will withe… Who can say if the mystery holds m… But I will gamble on the flames o… Will you join me in the fight?
I been kickin around and around, w… In the dirt, just the devil and me… Rain and the pain, making circles… Drain where my brain used to be With my heart in a box full of bro…
Newton took it all wrong When that apple dropped The same sweet, deadly orb That dug Eve’s grave One sunny day in Paradise
Tread softly my friend for what seems as solid as the oaks familiar trunk or the well packed dirt on this pa… or predictability
In the belly of this beast Once past the razor teeth And cruel, empty eyes It is strangely peaceful down here Where all the unwanted, the castaw…
I send you warmth I send you beams of light, slanti… I send you bread and fishes And cool water blessed by the moon It will make you stronger
Demons feed on me, their beaks dar… but after the dances of pain have… I look upon them with a strange fo… for they have killed what I am not and chewed away the ropes of skin,…
Last night I turned a corner, and… And in the light between the trees… I saw this new horizon, not bound… And looking at the pebble, knew, t… Had led me to another land, the sa…
The difference between Knowledge and Wisdom is that Wisdom has blood on it
Long flew the carrion crow to find this feat they came over frozen seas pale as winter roses and along the jagged edge of the i…
In this silver morning, I send yo… That in the rolling fog you float… And butterflies join you as you da… In the mirror of my mind, I can s… Fair as lambs milk and kissed by t…
Like mango Spilling into the sky And the gasp that follows, our sur… And under the brown skin of this t… Currents whisper deeper than we ev…