It was once said that were the meaning of life to b… laughter would ring from the rooft… And in worlds next to ours from subatomic to supernova
Leopard in a snow white dress, you… Soft as a lotus petal and strong a… The way the sand moves, and the mo… These are your fellow dancers And many are the feathers that sha…
Your heart is a rock Beyond all the fickle tides And when the moon pulls the waves… And your lashing bites my sand I lay still, for I know your true…
In the first ringing of shock, in… As we shake and blink and try to u… There is no hand to pull us throug… and the same scream that brought u… Faith, pure as molten lava
The difference between Knowledge and Wisdom is that Wisdom has blood on it
Like dark jade The blue fingernails of the dead Rise from the earth Miniature trees Clawing at skies not listening
On a golden someday When new gods walk upon the sand o… I will know a peace beyond laughte… And haloed in the halls of Atlant… I will see you again
Even in the passing flash of image… sliding, liquid, down the digital… I can see your eyes They are hauntingly familiar, hawk… holding the same fierce truth as C…
Newton took it all wrong When that apple dropped The same sweet, deadly orb That dug Eve’s grave One sunny day in Paradise
In the belly of my rebirth I am a journalist of purgatory The smells, the fear, the landscap… is my story and my very life the wager of this…
Surprising, but yet not at all That we orbit in again, after unkn… Yes, it’s YOU again! And we know through the familiar s… Or the same pure force that stands…
Thank your angels For they flutter close By the grace of gratitude
Let your skeletons Out of the closet And then Dance with them In the town square
Tread softly my friend for what seems as solid as the oaks familiar trunk or the well packed dirt on this pa… or predictability