Beneath the pale of dreary days go… When long the shadows lie upon you… And all the evenings tears have lo… For loves own labor tossed and tor… When all alone at last you wander,…
Thank your angels For they flutter close By the grace of gratitude
I send you warmth I send you beams of light, slanti… I send you bread and fishes And cool water blessed by the moon It will make you stronger
There is a great poison in this la… All will taste it, most will withe… Who can say if the mystery holds m… But I will gamble on the flames o… Will you join me in the fight?
In these darker days When the wind sucks through the tr… Hide with me and hold our ears For that sirens song is sick with… And will only freeze our wings
And I will turn with you, away, for I too can fall The warms us from within, and fades the shadow of our scars And see how our wounds match, like crimson puzzle pieces And the tears for...
I release you There is no need for pain or guilt There is only the Tao, rightful f… We are still share the same waters… And I am glad
There was a toad with golden wings That landed on my blackened lily p… Maybe it smelled tears Diamonds on my back
Surprising, but yet not at all That we orbit in again, after unkn… Yes, it’s YOU again! And we know through the familiar s… Or the same pure force that stands…
So close Came I In the neon pain of newer days So close as I stood, cliffs edge Turning a ravens eye on potential…
I love how the wind plays with you… Strong, dark and full of mystery You truly are a child of the stars… You have caused a lovely confusion In the garden of my mind
In the belly of this beast Once past the razor teeth And cruel, empty eyes It is strangely peaceful down here Where all the unwanted, the castaw…
Here we go Like the dust bowl families that w… Learning to stretch the bread and… And still found gritty smiles for… Here we go again
To each his albatross Or so it seems That fickle in our fast pursuits We run from babe to grave, our boo… Are thin as gruel