
Ode to a Star Child

For Zera

I love how the wind plays with your hair:
Strong, dark and full of mystery
You truly are a child of the stars!
You have caused a lovely confusion
In the garden of my mind
And now the flowers wink and giggle
As I pass them by
In the endless eastern pool of your eyes
Deep currents slide silently by
And all my precious notions are dissolved
In that delicious bronze
And now, alas, words are made meaningless
For I need a more ancient language
To match your tongue!
Sunshine and starlight, once clearly apart
Now mix in a cocktail of curiosity
And I yearn for new definitions
For the unknown traditions
Of the heart
O Hermes, lend me your wit
For this bard has lost his way
In the labyrinth of sound!
Give me new ways to say yesterday and today
And better words for wonder, and for silver, and for grey
And just as this below, is the same as all above
I now need a thousand words...
For Love
Shall I say I see you, as I have a million times
Or Welcome back dear angel, you’ve been ever on my mind
And I wonder if the lives we lived, in kingdoms of light
Had names that only the heart can hear
And perhaps it will be in hush of sunset
That we sing each other’s songs
So let us not say Love
But instead I recognize myself in you
Or in my chest there is a tenderness greater than galaxies
And I wish to hold you as the desert holds the rain
Let us say I see your jagged scars
and will heal them with tear drops
Let us whisper in the darker hours I am next to you,
And when winter is long in the tooth, I will bring you jasmine tea
while the fire warms us, and your shadow dances on the cave walls
I love how the wind plays with your hair:
Strong, dark and full of mystery
And I would follow you
Into the sky

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