uh yeah.
when the ash settles down and you… wild and dancing, you see blackeni… you see the ending of it all and i… the way it dances and beckons you… the way you wish it would.
i’m not entirely sure i’m alive, s… saying that makes me seem crazy or… maybe i am, maybe it matters, but i don’t really think it does. you have your hands on my thigh.
i water the roses and i shear thei… because what is beauty without adm… what is anything at all if you can…
you hurt me so much, but i never h… i just hated you for telling me it…
i’m chasing shadows down alleyways… i love to walk backwards in parkin… spinning around to grin at the moo… or god forbid, you. just breathing in mist and thc.
“who ruined winter for you?” “i did.”
i want you to know that i love you… and that thinking too much about i… to be completely honest, just for… i don’t know the normal amount of… i’m afraid sometimes that i don’t…
i don’t want to think about you an… so please, stop asking about me. stop telling my friends you’re sor… for the hopes it will get through… i don’t miss you anymore.
i wasn’t really my mothers child, i was her idea of a child. but, unforgivingly, i wasn’t. i grew up like kudzu; over the lam… i went so far as to grow over the…
i’m kind of nervous you don’t love… and isn’t that hilarious? when i was so damn scared in the b… that you would love me at all.
i like dogs that bark and girls wh… yelling boys and little kids under… trying to figure out what to call… and always picking out “bones” or… i love animals and lovers with sca…
i painted a crane on the wall yest… i’ve got a jade bracelet sitting i… i can’t wear it anymore, because i… thanks, grandma, but now it’s coll… not bringing much beauty or luck a…
nobody knows how to love me right, and no one fucks me quite like i d… i’m just sittin’ here like a ragin… and no one wants me but they’ll ta… i’m foaming at the mouth like i tr…
“do you still think i’m pretty?” i… mascara running down my face, lips…
i want to cry and count all your f… decorate your face with stickers a… then maybe you could hold me and w… do you think?