The older I get, the simple things become more important and I am learning to be okay with that. 8-23-2024.
What inspires me... Hummingbirds buzzing as they land, on nearby flowers. Their amazing wings
Pale blue moon Of August, Peeking behind The clouds, Luminous,
Pretend there is no tomorrow becau… there might not be. Live like there is only this momen… that is the truth. Nothing is solid but whispery,
A path with heart Is full of love Which makes us right Brings in the light And chases the dark.
Life is not fair at times... But of course things Change quickly down the line, We are born into a No guarantee world.
The wind went through me, it carried the yellow, orange and red leaves lightly on the air. Another change is coming,
Last night I dreamt that I floated above the clouds, above the earth and my heart
Yellow finches Line the bird feeder Against Spring’ s canopy Of green and purple tapestry. Back and forth they go
Birds flying here and there, landing on branches to chirp and bare, their heart. A private club among the trees with their own private code.
The lines in my hand, Were read once, By a gypsy, who Predicated a long life... But with many interruptions.
The red cardinal high in a tree, caught my attention with his melodious chirp on my daily walk.
Red and gold leaves Falling, Sing to me Of the season of change, Before the snow,
Sitting on the lake shore, Which made my heart soar, The water rippled at times, Swirled into beautiful lines, Clouds reflected in it’s mirror,
Not a word heard As the river flows Over rock, around Banks that lie Waiting for visitors.
Itchy eyes scaly feet achy joints and bad teeth hair so fine