Taking a trip soon and thinking about Summertime adventure! 6-12-24.
The wind went through me, it carried the yellow, orange and red leaves lightly on the air. Another change is coming,
Orange full moon with a half smile, a hanging lantern, lighting the way, through dark streets,
My heart is a good heart, It beats strongly And works hard, To keep me alive. My mind is a good mind,
Driving through the small towns of America, children of all colors playing in the streets, some with tattered clothes
On the brink of leaving, To go beyond These borders And say good-bye, To all you know,
On this New Year’s Eve Direction lost Drifting like blowing snow To and fro. A freeze comes
On a walk this morning, the rocky cliffs that reach the blue-green sea, talk of strength today.
To open and risk hurt... Or stay closed but Never really live. Pain can reveal... A connection to
In the blink of an eye It’s a different scene On the big movie screen So easy to get absorbed In the story line of time.
Perhaps it is the mind separating things into this and that. Perhaps it is the mind with it’s preferences
Last night I dreamt that I floated above the clouds, above the earth and my heart
Today, I wish the pain to go, the fatigue that I fight so. This process of aging is unkind and yet, the law of nature is a fast lane of change.
Misty fog floating through bare trees. Cold waves of wind coarse through the woods whistling as they go
Remember the night we took your mother’s car and drove over the skyway bridge? The moon was a bright light to show the way.
Her smile was like gold, Her lines were often bold, Her stories of wisdom told, In books that are now sold. She has left the earth,