Arthur Symons

White Magic

Against the world I closed my heart,
And, half in pride and half in fear,
I said to Love and Lust: Depart;
None enters here.
A gipsy witch has glided in,
She takes her seat beside my fire;
Her eyes are innocent of sin,
Mine of desire.
She holds me with an unknown spell,
She folds me in her heart’s embrace;
If this be love, I cannot tell:
I watch her face.
Her sombre eyes are happier
Than any joy that e’er had voice;
Since I am happiness to her,
I too rejoice.
And I have closed the door again,
Against the world I close my heart;
I hold her with my spell; in vain
Would she depart.
I hold her with a surer spell,
Beyond her magic, and above:
If hers be love, I cannot tell,
But mine is love.
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