Cumbersome I am Stained touched by your fire & ice Too much of nothing A world around you Resurrection once again
My last breath is hers I’m under her influence Aeonian love
Feel you forever Far from over don’t let go Disease inside dead Cumbersome I am Stained touched by your fire and i…
Colder in her storm Life screams again, no laughter Rotting vanity
Your heart is speaking Trust yourself not someone’s wants Listen to yourself
Seeing through the rain Life blurred through the memories Seeing through the tears
Someone knowing more Decides who and what I am Searching they must be
I’m the first you told The others knew before me Love and misery Love crushed by desire Afraid ready to take flight
Need and want compete Life is love, full of one’s if Picture me broken
Try not to love Must stay in touch with myself Easier to be dead Left to say nothing Left to wonder if I care
Dreams no place for peace Feelings a ghost in the night Together next life
Purple black and blue Concealed behind steel blue eyes Protean nature
Something that was not Feelings met with fear & doubt Festinate the end
You bring life to me Paper won’t keep or make leave Shelter from the fear Heat beneath winter Troubled dreams leave me alone
Stairway back to life Again to find you my love Encompassed by wings Memories linger Fear of the darkness growing