Angela Erwin

Take Me On

"It's unnerving how just one move puts me by myself..." - Rob Thomas

Do you think you are strong enough to take me on?
Do you think you know enough to try?
How much confidence to you think you have?
Are you afraid to cry?
Sometime things aren’t always what they seem.
It may appear to be something that is’t not,
It can be quite confusing and complex,
I  may want something that you’ve got.
You must be tough to carry my baggage,
Willing to make big promised to me,
Move out of my way when I need you to move,
And be there when I need you to be.
You’ll smoke
You’ll drink
You’ll pace the floors
Slam the doors,
Wait for my call
But it will be worth it all,
If you think you’re ready for me.


Altre opere di Angela Erwin...
