Angela Erwin

Born March, 15th, 1968 in a small town called Gettysburg, South Dakota. My father was in the United States Air Force, so during my early childhood we moved a lot. South Dakota, Montana, Texas; but my home is in West Virginia.

Born March, 15th, 1968 in a small town called Gettysburg, South Dakota. My father was in the United States Air Force, so during my early childhood we moved a lot. South Dakota, Montana, Texas; but my home is in West Virginia.

I hated school and rarely went to class during my high school years. I was a contributing writer to my high school newspaper, a member of the Psychology Club and that's about all I remember during those years. I had few friends and I dropped out of high school during my senior year. Much of that had to do with my mother more than my disdain for going to school.

I later went to college to study English Literature, dropped out, and went back several years later to study Psychology and Psychiatric Rehabilitation. I've written for several Mental Health Journals and Newsletters and hosted conferences and seminars on various mental health issues.

I have kept a diary since I was nine years old and journals as I got older. I have tons of spiral notebooks of short stories I wrote during those formative years and it wasn't until adulthood that I started writing poetry. I can not say for certain that my poems are any good. But I thought I would put it out there. If nothing else, it makes me feel better. :)
