Angel Lady (Sandi Guidotti)

When Will The Scales Tip My Way?

Do you believe we really ever get justice?
I for one think not, as the scales of Justice are tipped
I have been there and they weigh heavy on one side
It would seem if you have money or power
Then those scales tip to that side
Time after time you do the right thing
Only to find its a losing battle
Your punished and he who does wrong
Well, he is rewarded every time
You beg and plead your case
When it seems like you’ll win
Guess what, not today
Once again they have failed you
I was taught to always be honest
Apparently the other side is not
They lie, cheat and are evil
I stay strong and true to myself
I hope one day just one person will say
Because of your truthfulness
It’s time the scales tip your way.


I'm so tired of the courts. It would appear money is and always will be how the system is run. If you don't have thousands of dollars and can't stay on their path. Then justice will never prevail as honesty is no longer revered. I will stay on my path of truth and will not give in. I will go down fighting unless by chance I win.


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