Observe, dear Lord, what lively p… Are played by sentimental cranks! First this one mounts his hinder h… And brays the chimneys off the roo… Then that one, with exalted voice,
As sweet as the look of a lover Saluting the eyes of a maid That blossom to blue as the maid Is ablush to the glances above her… The sunshine is gilding the glade
The Devil one day, coming up from… All grimy with perspiration, Applied to St. Peter and begged h… Him a moment for consultation. The Saint showed him in where the…
'O venerable patriot, I pray Stand not here coatless; at the br… We’ll know the grand result-and ev… The eastern sky is faintly touched… 'It ill befits thine age’s hoary c…
The Church’s compass, if you plea… Has two or three (or more) degrees Of variation; And many a soul has gone to grief On this or that or t’other reef
Aeronaut, you’re fairly caught, Despite your bubble’s leaven: Out of the skies a lady’s eyes Have brought you down to Heaven! No more, no more you’ll freely soa…
Dimly apparent, through the gloom Of Market-street’s opaque simoom, A queue of people, parti-sexed, Awaiting the command of ‘Next!’ A sidewalk booth, a dingy sign:
When, long ago, the young world ci… Through wider reaches of a richer… New-eyed, the men and maids saw, m… The thoughts untold in one another… Each wish displayed, and every pas…
Saint Peter at the gate of Heaven… The tools and terrors of his awful… The key, the frown as pitiless as… That slays intending trespassers a… And, at his side in easy reach, th…
Pope-choker Pixley sat in his den A-chewin’ upon his quid. He thought it was Leo Thirteen, a… He bit it intenser, he did. The amber which overflew from the…
O ye who push and fight To hear a wanton sing Who utter the delight That has the bogus ring, O men mature in years,
The Day of Judgment spread its gl… O’er continents and seas. The graves cracked open everywhere… Like pods of early peas. Up to the Court of Heaven sped
You may say, if you please, Johnn… Are crazy to marry your dukes and… But I’ve heard that the maids of… Greet bachelor lords with a favori… Nay, titles, ‘tis said in defense…
Of a person known as Peters I wil… An unusual adventure into narrativ… Mr. William Perry Peters, of the… A public educator and an orator as… Mr. Peters had a weakness which,…
‘Authority, authority!’ they shout Whose minds, not large enough to h… Some chance opinion ever entertain… By dogma billeted upon their brain… ‘Ha!’ they exclaim with choreatic…