'O venerable patriot, I pray Stand not here coatless; at the br… We’ll know the grand result-and ev… The eastern sky is faintly touched… 'It ill befits thine age’s hoary c…
'Why, Goldenson, you’re looking v… Said Death as, strolling through… He entered that serene assassin’s… And hung his hat and coat upon a n… ‘I think that life in this seclude…
A bear, having spread him a notabl… Invited a famishing fox to the pla… 'I’ve killed me,' quoth he, ‘an ed… As ever distended the girdle of pr… With ’spread of religion,' or ‘inw…
Upon this quarter-eagle’s leveled… The Lord’s Prayer, legibly inscri… 'Our Father which’-the pronoun th… And shows the scribe to have addre… 'Which art in Heaven’-an error th…
Beauty (they called her) wasn’t a… Of many things in the world afraid… She wasn’t a maid who turned and f… At sight of a mouse, alive or dead… She wasn’t a maid a man could 'sho…
So, Governor, you would not serve… Although we’d all agree to pay you… You find it all is vanity and pain One clump of clover in a field of… One grain of pleasure in a peck of…
If the wicked gods were willing (Pray it never may be true!) That a universal chilling Should ensue Of the sentiment of loving,
It is a politician man He draweth near his end, And friends weep round that partis… Of every man the friend. Between the Known and the Unknown
Still as he climbed into the publi… His charms of person more apparent… Till the pleased world that watche… Saw nothing of him but his nether… Forgot his follies with his head’s…
‘Twas a weary-looking mortal, and… Of the melancholy City of the Dis… He was pale and worn exceeding and… As if it could not matter what he… ’Sacred stranger’-I addressed him…
Villain, when the word is spoken, And your chains at last are broken When the gibbet’s chilling shade Ceases darkly to enfold you, And the angel who enrolled you
High Lord of Liars, Pickering, t… Let meaner mortals bend the subjec… Thine is mendacity’s imperial crow… Alike by genius, action and renown… No man, since words could set a ch…
As some enormous violet that tower… Colossal o’er the heads of lowlier… Its giant petals royally displayed… And casting half the landscape int… Delivering its odors, like the blo…
I know not if it was a dream. I v… A city where the restless multitud… Between the eastern and the wester… Had reared gigantic fabrics, stron… Colossal palaces crowned every hei…
De Young (in Chicago the story is… ‘Took his life in his hand,’ like… And stood before Buckley-who thou… For Buckley, the man-eating monst… ‘Count fairly the ballots!’ so ran…