Dear Bruner, once we had a little… (That is to say, 'twas I did all… About the manner of your moral wal… How devious the trail you made in… On level ground, your law-protecte…
A rat who’d gorged a box of bane And suffered an internal pain, Came from his hole to die (the lab… Required it if the rat were able) And found outside his habitat
I Slept, and, waking in the years… Heard voices, and approaching when… Listened indifferently where a key Had lately been removed. An ancie… Said to her daughter: ‘Go to yond…
‘The world is dull,’ I cried in m… ‘Its myths and fables are no longe… ’Roll back thy centuries, O Fathe… To Greece transport me in her gol… 'Give back the beautiful old Gods…
Ben Bulger was a silver man, Though not a mine had he: He thought it were a noble plan To make the coinage free. 'There hain’t for years been sech…
Precursor of our woes, historic sp… What dismal records burn upon thy… On thee I see the maculating stai… Of passengers’ commingled blood an… In this red rust a widow’s curse a…
Once Moses (in Scripture the stor… Entreated the favor God’s face to… Compassion divine the petition den… Lest vision be blasted and body be… Yet this much, the Record informs…
I had a dream. The habitable eart… Its continents and islands, all we… Of cities and of forests. Naught… Of its old aspect, and I only kne… (As men know things in dreams, unk…
'Ours is a Christian Army’; so he… A regiment of bangomen who led. ‘And ours a Christian Navy,’ adde… Who sailed a thunder-junk upon the… Better they know than men unwarlik…
Fly, heedless stranger, from this… Where rests in Satan an offender… In point of greatness, as in point… Of new-school rascals who proclaim… Skilled with a frank loquacity to…
Like a worn mother he attempts in… To still the unruly Crier of his… The more he rocks the cradle of hi… The more uproarious grows the brat…
'Let Glory’s sons manipulate The tiller of the Ship of State. Be mine the humble, useful toil To work the tiller of the soil.'
Slain as they lay by the secret, s… Pitiless hand of an unseen foe, Two score thousand old soldiers ha… The river to join the loved and lo… In the space of a year their spiri…
Republicans think Jonas Bimm A Democrat gone mad, And Democrats consider him Republican and bad. The Tough reviles him as a Dude
‘Tis Master Fitch, the editor; He takes an holiday. Now wherefore, venerable sir, So resolutely gay? He lifts his head, he laughs aloud…