i sit up high upon a wall and that’s when people see me They don’t say
the ground begins to tremble with the power of her anger the choices
The constant ruckus The constant noise When will it stop When will it cease When will i finaly
I sit amongst a group of people not saying a word they do not
i’ve got to many images and words in my own head a part of me
There is a boy sitting in a corner He is diffrent than other people and They leave him behind
Don’t hide me from the rain Don’t hide me from the pain i still hear
Who am I dark as night with soulless eyes Blood stained cloak and a hollow voice
it’s not so much a question of when but a question of how how will i live
They call her the barefoot princess A princess that despises her royal gown No shoes and
right or wrong it’s up to you each person has their own moral compass some people may
They always ask is the wight jacket comfy are the wight walls conferring And always I
Have you ever had your heart torn in two You don’t even know if the pieces
I really just want to know what you think what crosses your mind when i
Most of what i wright comes from inspiration from the world around me What others are