tghis is suicide atempt # ?
Even though the tears fall the misary never fades You hope to last till morning but you feel you’re withering away
stand up be strong that’s what i’ve always been told keep fighting
They say she died tragically It’s sad to see a
I am my own angle and my own demon I am my best dream and my worst nightmare I can bring sun shine
Blood flow freely flow until i have no more to give Flow until you have
It started when i was seven Its been about Eleven years now This strange fasination
Merry Meet the witches greet by light of the midnight moon To cast their
Most of what i wright comes from inspiration from the world around me What others are
no words to express to screwed up in the head don’t know what to say have nothing to explain for once words fail me
i hear people talk all day but they don’t know the words they say It’s like being on auto pilot same routine
Have you ever had your heart torn in two You don’t even know if the pieces
The wind blows softly across the meadow carrying the whispers of tomorrow’s sorrows If you listen closely
my tears fall but i no longer feel them the pain i felt is nothing more than hollowness now i’ve finally given up
ring ring the final day is done ring ring time is up ring ring
You say you do not fear Me then You do not fear death itself for My soul