Don’t tell me you love me Don’t tell me you hate me Don’t say you
i’ve got to many images and words in my own head a part of me
Most of what i wright comes from inspiration from the world around me What others are
I still don’t see your fascination… i don’t even know what drew you in… in my mind i always compared you t… not one-hundred percent ruthless a… but able to see enough into the da…
they say tomorrow is a new day and it will get better but it never
Blood flow freely flow until i have no more to give Flow until you have
How my heart does beat simply by reading your words How it feels like it shall burst from me when you are near When time and space separate
“please sir” those are the only words I can say i don’t know
what do you do when your worst fears are realized when the words you’ve dreaded hearing have been spoken where will you go now that
They always ask is the wight jacket comfy are the wight walls conferring And always I
Plip, plop the blood drops Tick, tock goes the clock Ding, dong
Every thing seems to be changing around me And i’m not sure i’ll be
you said I was an angel yet i only see the demon you said i had beauty yet i only see ugliness within you said “beauty in the flesh”
i’ve never met somebody who set my blood on fire quite like this with flames moving throughout my body
ring ring the final day is done ring ring time is up ring ring