you said I was an angel yet i only see the demon you said i had beauty yet i only see ugliness within you said “beauty in the flesh”
Don’t tell me you love me Don’t tell me you hate me Don’t say you
my tears fall but i no longer feel them the pain i felt is nothing more than hollowness now i’ve finally given up
I can put on any outfit, any mask and fool the wisest of men
Plip, plop the blood drops Tick, tock goes the clock Ding, dong
I still don’t see your fascination… i don’t even know what drew you in… in my mind i always compared you t… not one-hundred percent ruthless a… but able to see enough into the da…
ring ring the final day is done ring ring time is up ring ring
Every where around me i see happiness and joy yet i can’t join in The feeling of being dead inside
gossamer wings hiding the black soul underneath crystal eyes hiding the dark pit behind if you could see the
The wind blows softly across the meadow carrying the whispers of tomorrow’s sorrows If you listen closely
I really just want to know what you think what crosses your mind when i
maybe it’s all in my head that the world is really this crue… perhaps they are right that I need to let go but i can’t make myself do it
I want to talk to let you know But I see that you’re dealing, Barely that is, with your own shit I see it in your eyes, In the way you stand
i have learned over the years that love is no good It crushes your
Thief and dark angel what a pair they make Her hiding in the dark stealing their secrets Him in the open with