i hear people talk all day but they don’t know the words they say It’s like being on auto pilot same routine
“please sir” those are the only words I can say i don’t know
sitting by a monument tower for those fallen befor us yet do we recognize
anger, pain, and sorrow raging inside yet seems so calm and collected
they say home is where the heart is but what if you don’t know where
If the world realy does end If i’m still alive by then i’ll go peacfully for
they say tomorrow is a new day and it will get better but it never
A poem about rhyme A poem abou time What can you say About their little fray Thee is never time
I can put on any outfit, any mask and fool the wisest of men
Did you know I’ve cut myself Watched myself Bleed Did you know
I am my own angle and my own demon I am my best dream and my worst nightmare I can bring sun shine
He sits on a hill of bodies and wonders why has this become his hated fate To take the life
Even though the tears fall the misary never fades You hope to last till morning but you feel you’re withering away
Blood flow freely flow until i have no more to give Flow until you have
Every where around me i see happiness and joy yet i can’t join in The feeling of being dead inside