i hear people talk all day but they don’t know the words they say It’s like being on auto pilot same routine
I have a word of advice for any body young or old keep your heart
fists flying we’re in fisticuffs and there’s no stopping it i stepped in out of place to take
i sit up high upon a wall and that’s when people see me They don’t say
Who am i to you? Am i boy or girl? Am i life
You say you do not fear Me then You do not fear death itself for My soul
ring ring the final day is done ring ring time is up ring ring
eyes wide open it’s the middle of the night eyes wide open and i’ve given
they say tomorrow is a new day and it will get better but it never
Have you ever had your heart torn in two You don’t even know if the pieces
A whisper fades on the evening wind along with the hope of tomorrows friend Yet there is a
Plip, plop the blood drops Tick, tock goes the clock Ding, dong
I really just want to know what you think what crosses your mind when i
i’ve never met somebody who set my blood on fire quite like this with flames moving throughout my body
It started when i was seven Its been about Eleven years now This strange fasination