This is what I wish I could say to my father. Maybe one day I will.
people see an outward aperance and think i’m inacent and pure but not once do they look to see the darkness hidden uderneath just because i can make myself
Blood flow freely flow until i have no more to give Flow until you have
Plip, plop the blood drops Tick, tock goes the clock Ding, dong
You say you do not fear Me then You do not fear death itself for My soul
You sit in a corner and nobody sees the bloody tears running down your face For the pain you’ve
they say home is where the heart is but what if you don’t know where
i’m tired of this old pain i face day by day it’s time that i should leave but i’ve
Most of what i wright comes from inspiration from the world around me What others are
stirring emotions voices in my head i’m so confused this isn’t normal this isn’t right
Who am i to you? Am i boy or girl? Am i life
you said I was an angel yet i only see the demon you said i had beauty yet i only see ugliness within you said “beauty in the flesh”
Don’t tell me you love me Don’t tell me you hate me Don’t say you
they say tomorrow is a new day and it will get better but it never
I want to talk to let you know But I see that you’re dealing, Barely that is, with your own shit I see it in your eyes, In the way you stand
Merry Meet the witches greet by light of the midnight moon To cast their