no words to express to screwed up in the head don’t know what to say have nothing to explain for once words fail me
Who am i to you? Am i boy or girl? Am i life
Plip, plop the blood drops Tick, tock goes the clock Ding, dong
If the world realy does end If i’m still alive by then i’ll go peacfully for
Every thing seems to be changing around me And i’m not sure i’ll be
i sit up high upon a wall and that’s when people see me They don’t say
I sit amongst a group of people not saying a word they do not
the wind howls as the water churns and we are tempest tossed in this raging storm the men work hard
There is a girl dead in a corner Does anybody notice of corse not Do they know her
You say you do not fear Me then You do not fear death itself for My soul
he plays his feelings out in the beat of his drum not realizing it’s taking the life right out of him
sitting by a monument tower for those fallen befor us yet do we recognize
They always ask is the wight jacket comfy are the wight walls conferring And always I
What do you do when you’ve screwed up this bad and you’re not sure that it can be fixed
They call her the barefoot princess A princess that despises her royal gown No shoes and