It has stopped me with purpose On purpose What did I do to deserve this Oh yes I live where absurd is
My brain is on a Manual shift From the words that fall From your lips Come on now
I am the paper inked And I am the paper I am the thoughts that think And I am the thinker I am the final drink
Back in the day Before I knew The way I would have gotten mad At what you
One An individual Totally unique One Earth
Filling in the gaps Not completing the spots Laying in the Earth And thinking a lot I shout up to Heaven
I let my actions control my emotio… Not the other way around. When I let this notion permeate,… It’s such a happy sound. To know you are in control in the…
Little signs are not good. We all seek boldness. Cofindence understood Is what control is. She seeks control
If the sun had a brain And decided to go get some tea Would he know that Would be the end of me?
Conversations Over-grown Situations That plateau Habitations
Get up To the world Its happy If you make it that way Your loved ones
Death come for all us All of us alike... So why are we concerned With color and height?
Fill your days with Productivity. Challenge your thoughts Through activities. It leads to spouts
I like her But she likes him I see thier eyes And thier grins Will she share
Work hard to Love her and Yourself Don’t be concerned With every body else