Adam William Howell

August, 13 2033

A metaphor for my parents divorce

August 13 2033,  Pvt. Howell
Journal Log, WWIII

I’m not sure how much longer I can last. This war has been raging for over two decades now. I was drafted when I was 13, after the draft age was changed due to the reality of Defcon 5. The Russian leader betrayed treaties and agreements made with the U.S. President. Russia and Italy joined forces calling themselves The Paradise Powers. They sought to decommission the president and join together all three nations under one power. Britin has agreeed to give medical aid aswell as military equiptment if needed but cannot be too involved. My birthday was last week and my comrade lied to and abandoned the british troops at Fort Sill, one of the only remaining military grounds. He made remarks twards them and was releaved of his position in our infantry. Some have said he left saying he would search for a new life in Switzerland, a place rumored to be still untouched by this world war. My platoon is still here but I somehow I still feel alone; I feel I have to fight this war by myself. The attempts made on the Paridise Powers to leave our country be have been mildly unsuccessful. The trials of the powers are trying but America is standing strong. The powers have not made much contact with us in a while but a mutual understanding is implyed among us. Not sure if the powers will continue the tyrannical attempts to overthrow America, but we need to stand by what we know. God help us if he can!

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